Cancel your account

If you need to cancel your UME account, you can contact customer service to cancel according to the contact information of customer service. Before you log out, we may collect and verify your identity information, device information, business relationship, asset information in your account, etc. We will complete the cancellation of your account within seven days of receiving your cancellation request. For the process and content of cancellation, please refer to the Account Cancellation Agreement.

After canceling your account, we will stop providing you with products or services. You know and understand that the act of canceling your account is irreversible. After you successfully cancel your account, we will delete your personal information or anonymize it in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations, unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations.

Account Cancellation Agreement

If you do not agree with any of the following, or cannot accurately understand the meaning of any of the terms, please do not cancel your account. If you check "I have read and agree to the Account Cancellation Agreement", it is deemed that you agree to accept all the contents of this agreement.

1. The account you apply for cancellation should be the account you registered and used. If your account meets the cancellation conditions and the provisions of this agreement, we will cancel your account and delete your account information after 7 days. During this period, please do not log in to your account again, otherwise you will be deemed to have given up the cancellation.

2. You should ensure that you have the right to decide the cancellation of the account and do not infringe the legitimate rights and interests of any third party. If there is any complaint or dispute arising therefrom, you shall be responsible for it, and you shall compensate for the loss of the platform.

3. As our user, you understand and agree that after logout you will not be able to reactivate or continue to use the account. You understand and agree that after logout your profile, photos, videos, messages, comments, props, gifts, virtual currency, shares, ratings, followers, privileges and other digital content will be permanently logged out and cannot be recovered. You should back up any information you wish to keep, and you will not be able to regain access to your information after you log out of your account.

4. You should ensure that your account is in a safe state and there is no risk of being stolen, and you have not changed sensitive information such as password retrieval, password modification, and mobile phone number changes within the last 30 days.

5. You should ensure that your account is free of any unfinished transactions and disputes, including complaints and reports.

6. If you have gold coins in your account, you can cancel your account after spending it, or just discard it.

7. If you are the guild leader, guild member or other status, you need to remove the corresponding status first.

8. During our processing of your cancellation request, if your account is involved in disputes, including but not limited to: complaints, reports, lawsuits, arbitrations, investigations by relevant state agencies, etc., you understand and agree that we have the right to decide whether to Terminate the cancellation of your account without further obtaining your consent.

9. Please note: Cancellation of an account does not mean that the actions or responsibilities prior to account cancellation are exempted and mitigated.

10. Account cancellation will cause us to terminate the provision of services to you, which shall be terminated in accordance with the rights and obligations of both parties as agreed in the User Agreement and Privacy Protection Guidelines. except the nature of which cannot be terminated